Adriatica Certificazioni - Management systems, job security and UNI EN ISO consultancy for Small and Medium-sized Businesses
We want to be the partner of our clients for the management and resolution of problems in order to increase the competitiveness and assure the stability of organizations through the improvement of business performance and business training. We closely follow our clients, monitoring their objects with clear and simple contracts.
UNI EN ISO 9001 is the global standard for certification of quality management system, it's a management model that demonstrates its ability to consistently...
UNI EN ISO 14001 is an international standard for Environmental Management System. It's easy to integrate it with other management systems such as ISO...
It has been created to ensure the safety of the workplace by an Environmental Management System through ISO 45001 standardization and to acquire more...
The ISO 27001 certification of an ISMS - Information Security Management System - has the main purpose of ensuring the security of information in...
EENERGY MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS - ISO 50001 Increasing attention to more efficient energy management, to contain waste and optimize consumption, has led to the establishment...
ISO 22000 is the standardization of Food Safety: its aim is to link the different international standards concerning food safety. It is referred to...
The international standard Social Accountability 8000 is a management system that wants to ensure the ethical behavior of all the industries that decide to...
Vocational training is made to measure, especially occupational health and safety: · Basic training occupational safety and health: fire fighting team · Engaged in...
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